Converting ESRI Personal Geodatabase (.mdb) files to AutoCAD drawing
By using this function, you can select shapefiles that are contained within MDB (personal geodatabase) files and convert to DWG/DXF.
STEP1: First, select a MDB file that you want to process.
STEP2: Once completed reading, you can see a list of the contained shapfiles in the MBD file.
STEP3: For example: select "buildingarea.shp". Then tick Feautre Attributes and press "Specify" button.
STEP4: Now you can select feature attributes in buildingarea.shp to covert to DWG/DXF. In this example, “NAME” is selected. Click “->” button and press OK button.
STEP5: Press Save button. Then conversion will start.
STEP6: Once the conversion is completed, press View Output button to view the converted AutoCAD drawing.
STEP7: Let’s zoom up the attributes on AutoCAD drawing.
STEP8: You can see the attributes "NAME", such as UNIVERSITY OF CANBERRA in the newly converted DXF file.
STEP9: As a next example, select contours.shp out of the same MDB file.
STEP10: Press Save button. Then conversion will start.
STEP11: Once the conversion is completed, press View Output button to view the converted AutoCAD drawing.
STEP12: Let's zoom up contour on AutoCAD drawing.
STEP13: Now you can view contour data on AutoCAD drawing.